If you invest in an ATV, you want to do whatever you can to keep it running so you can enjoy it for as long as possible. Some maintenance for your ATV is obvious, such as cleaning it off after going off the road so it doesn’t rust or get caked-on dirt. Other tasks, such as the specifics of battery maintenance, won’t be as clear unless you do some research or have owned ATVs in the past. Follow these tips to keep on track and save yourself money on battery repairs in the future.
Tips for Wet Cell Batteries
Before working to maintain your battery, you need to know what type you have. Wet cell ATV batteries have been used longer than newer absorbed glass mat, or AGM, batteries. Wet cell batteries may also be called lead acid or flooded batteries. You most likely have one of these batteries in your ATV, but you can confirm it by finding fill caps along the top or finding its vent tube.
You should always charge your ATV’s wet cell battery in well-ventilated areas since the battery heats up during the charging process. Although you can use basically any charger, you don’t want to use a quick charge and shouldn’t use more than a 5-amp charge to avoid calcification and overheating. These batteries also require monthly checks of their fluid levels.
Tips for AGM Batteries
Absorbed glass mat batteries are more highly recommended but newer. They tend to last longer than wet cell ones and don’t spill or vent as much. The downside is that they do cost more, but it is worth it. Although these batteries come with a small charge, you should use a low amp charge on them before using them for the first time.
General Battery Maintenance Tips
Regardless of the type of battery in your ATV, you need to know how to care for it. There are convenient devices known as battery maintainers that take care of the work for you. If you can’t get one of these and will be resting your ATV for 30 days or more, then consider taking the battery out of it. Find a climate-controlled area to store the battery, and charge it at least once each month. Remember to also follow common sense and don’t charge a battery that is frozen or visibly damaged, since this is a safety risk.
For help maintaining your ATV’s battery or to get a replacement, visit Bama Buggies in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.