The Tinsel Trail isn’t just a trail filled with Christmas trees. It’s a Christmas tradition. Each year, Tuscaloosa’s One Place organizes the Tinsel Trail on the Riverwalk. The trail has more than 150 live Christmas trees, with each one decorated by local businesses and organizations. It’s free to walk along the trail, and it’s sure to put you in the holiday spirit. Visit anytime between Nov. 20 and Jan. 14 from dusk until midnight to see this gorgeous display. You can also go during the day, but you need to go at night if you want to get the full effect.
The Purpose of the Trail
The Tinsel Trail has two purposes. First, of course, it helps bring the Christmas spirit to Tuscaloosa. It’s hard to say “Bah, humbug!” when you walk along this trail. Just try it. You won’t be able to do it.
Second, it serves as a fundraiser for Tuscaloosa’s One Place. You don’t have to pay to walk the trail, but sponsors pay to decorate the trees. That money goes to the family resource center. The resources help the center empower members of the community. The center helps strengthen families, and it even prevents abuse and neglect. It’s a great organization, so take a stroll along the trail to show your support.
The Decorations
One of the best things about the Tinsel Trail is you never know what you’re going to see. The decorations come in various shapes, sizes, and themes. Some businesses and organizations stick with traditional holiday themes. You’ll likely see some reindeer and Santa Claus decorations, in other words. Others go with big, overarching themes. Still, others celebrate sustainability by only using recycled materials. There’s no telling what you might see on this unique trail, and it changes every year.
The Inspiration
The Tinsel Trail is unique to Tuscaloosa, but similar trails have gone up in other cities. In fact, the organizers got the idea for the Tinsel Trail after seeing a similar trail in Huntsville. The organizers modeled this trail after that one, which is probably why it was such a success from the get-go. The team had a mold to use, and that helped them avoid mistakes and get everything going without any issues.
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