You can prevent a decent amount of e-z-go golf cart impairment due to natural wear and tear by having regular maintenance scheduled. It is actually quite easy to do some of the care on your own. Use the checklist below to prepare your golf cart for the fall season below.
The first thing you should investigate should be the tires. Tires that have too much air will be depleted at a much faster rate. The right amount of air will allow your tires to last longer and more importantly make riding in your vehicle much safer. The quality of your ride also depends on having the right amount of air pressure as well. You need to check the tire pressure, the condition of the tires and rims, and replace if needed.
For electric models, you need to clean and adjust your brakes. The brake shoe lining needs to be examined and replaced if needed. Finally, the brake cables need to be examined for lack of robustness or too much wear. For gas models, simply performing a routine brake test is sufficient.
Rear Axle
The current condition of the rear axle needs to be checked. If necessary, drain and replace rear axle fluid after the condition of the rear axle has been determined. For gas models, oil leaks need to be searched for to determine if any exist near the rear axle.
Look for corrosion and loose terminals while examining your battery. Also, check the electrolyte level and fill if needed pending the results of the battery’s examination. Electric models require a checking of the charge receptacle’s condition and should be replaced if necessary. The same goes for the battery cables. Lastly, the batteries should be charged for the electric models. It is best to obtain a cover for your battery to prevent corrosion and additionally protect your golf cart’s frame, flooring, and battery cables.
Engine (Gas Models)
For gas models, you should replace the spark plug, and check carburetor and linkages that should be adjusted if required. Next, the PVC hose should be checked and replaced if necessary while checking the starter belt for any rifts. The starter belt should be properly adjusted where determined and be replaced if needed. Lastly, check both the fuel filter and valve clearance replacing either if determined a need to be.
Air Filter (Gas Models)
For gas models, the air filter should be replaced.
Oil (Gas Models)
For gas models, the oil filter and engine oil should be replaced.
Front and Rear Suspension
For the front and rear suspension, only four checks are required. The strut needs to be checked for oil leakage. The hubs should be sought for excessive play. Wear of bushing should determine whether or not it needs to be replaced. Finally, check for any loose or missing hardware.
Electrical (electric models)
Be sure to examine your electric model’s speed control connections for any tightness or corrosion that may have occurred. Additionally, all of your components, which include the accelerator and F&R, needs to be looked at. Finally, look at your reverse warning buzzer for safety purposes and replace if not functioning properly.
Steering Assembly
Finally, for both electric and gas models determine if they steering assembly has gone through excessive play and for any missing or loose hardware.
This is quite a checklist for you to follow, huh? Well, if it seems like a daunting task for you we have experts ready to perform the checks at your convenience at Bama Buggies in Tuscaloosa. Our specialists will take care of any of your buggy needs getting you ready for the season. Just pay us a visit!