Don’t Miss the Great Tuscaloosa Chili Cookoff

Chili Cookoff

Do you love eating chili? It just tastes so good during the cold winter months. If you want to try some of the best chili in Tuscaloosa, you have to go to the Great Tuscaloosa Chili Cookoff. This event will take place on Saturday, Feb. 10. If you don’t have anything else going on that weekend, hang out with some of the best cooks in town and see what they’ve whipped up. Then, when you’ve tried all of the different chilis, you get to vote for which one was the most delicious. Read up on what to expect and how to have a great day at the cookoff.

More Information

This competition is going to be held at Bryant Conference center, which is on Paul Bryant Drive. If you don’t know how to get there, feel free to use your GPS. Doors will open at 10:30 a.m. That’s when you can go in and start tasting chili. The competition will last until 1:30 p.m. You do have to purchase tickets for the event. They are $10 each, but children ages 6 and under can get in for free. The money collected will go to raise funds for projects in the community. Therefore, you can feel good about supporting a cause that benefits others.

What to Expect

First of all, you should expect to eat a lot at this event. You are going to be able to try more than 30 different types of chili. Hopefully, you’ll have room to try everything! But that’s not all. You can also get free hot dogs, cheese biscuits, and ice cream for something sweet. You’ll also get the chance to win prizes. Once you’ve given everything a try, you have the opportunity to vote for the winner of the competition. Choose wisely!

Tips for Having a Good Time

It’s a good idea to read up on some tips for having the best time possible at the chili cookoff. First of all, you should feel free to bring your kids along. They will love trying all the different types of food, and it’s a great way to get everyone out of the house. Also, try not to eat too much in the morning before the competition. You will want to save room for all the delicious chili you are about to eat.

At Bama Buggies in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, we want to help you get a great price on a recreational vehicle. We may not be able to cook chili, but we would definitely win in a competition for the best deals in town.